When Slovenians speak English, I am mostly impressed and amazed. When Slovenians write English, I usually get at least one really good laugh out of it. The gaps in understanding between these languages are deep and meaningless. If there was a translation machine for these two, it would make a rusty grinding noise, squeak and get stuck. Never short of an overconfident cack-handed solution to the communication problem, Slovenia's top strategies are "I like English so my English must be right", "This Professor (or whatever) has drunk his way through a dozen years of university so his English must be right", "This person is my relative so it must be right", "This company charges a fortune so obviously it's going to be right" and "This person already works for me and will therefore have to do it for nothing". Alas, none of these work, as shown below. The ultimate and only effective Slovenian solution is for highly qualified and reputable court-certified translators to give me jungle English to fix at black market rates, then send it off to their client with a bill for four times as much. This is a desperate last resort suited only to Slovenian government anti-corruption investigations and bloated local government missions and visions. But can a real English person get a real job translating Slovenglish into credible text? No. Slovenians will readily agree that their stupid society applauds qualification over ability. Faced with the ominous idea that a foreigner with an English O level could run rings around their homegrown language professors, the Slovenian lacks the necessary instructions from the latter to tell him that his important message should be screened for unintentional entertainment value by the former. Instead, long habituated to pedagogic boot-licking, he prefers to publish his hysterical text as it is, and be a laughing-stock in the eyes of those he seeks to impress. With this I am happy to help. Priggishness, protectionism, patriotism, prejudice and Slovenians' famous envy have vital roles to play in keeping the money from falling into the hands of inferiors in ways they class as legitimate. Ranging from the quaint, via naively capitalistic, to the full-blown Anglophone customer repellent, here are some of my Slovenglish favourites. The fact that the seminar was attended by 40 high police officers from 19 Member States of the European Union proves that the European police forces...started opening their doors...
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Migration in the first half of the 20th century have also taken Slovenian speakers, above all, to North and South America, and subsequently, also the countries such as Switzerland or Germany.
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International Bussines Management link to Master's Programme International Business Management Master's Programme International Business Managament is accredited by Slovene Ministry of Education. Please see attachement below. The list of all accreditated higher educations institution and programmes in Slovenia can be found on the website of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
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